1. Get rid of the camera dot or the notch on the screen, it is ugly af—admit it, it is a crime against design. Bring back the basel if you have to, but do not mess with the sanctity of the rectangle. I don’t think a phone must have to have an edge to edge …
The war of burgers 🍔 in Dhaka is intense. It is a verily controversial topic, and people are often deeply emotional or indoctrinated about their choices 🤓 The common tendency of local restaurants is to transform everything into a torkari. They did the same with burgers. They introduced this jhol and jhal that messed everything …
A recent frequently asked question: “Should I update my Mac to Big Sur?” As I always say (update yesterday!) my answer is, yes absolutely, do it right now! Big Sur is the biggest update to Mac since 2001. It is a whole new series, e.i: 11, it is no more the X, and it is …
মানুষ যে সঠিক বানানে, সঠিক ব্যাকরণে ইংরেজি লিখে–সেইটার কৃতিত্ব আসোলে কম্পিউটারের। কম্পিউটার বানান ও ব্যাকরণের ভুল না ধরলে, স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে বানান ঠিক করে না দিলে ইংরেজি বানানের অবস্থাও বাংলার মতই হত। প্রযুক্তিতে বাংলার দুরবস্থা নিয়ে আর কত লিখবো, বাংলার অবস্থা আগেও যেই গু ছিল, এখনো সেই গুই আছে। অভ্র/ইউনিকোডের কল্যাণে বাংলা অন্তত লেখা-পড়া যায় ইন্টারনেটে, কিন্তু …
বাংলাদেশে ধর্ষণের বিচারে মাত্র ৩% মামলায় এ পর্যন্ত অপরাধী সাজা পেয়েছে। এর একটা বড় কারণ অপরাধ প্রমাণের জন্য আলামতের অভাব, সেই সাথে আইনের দুর্বলতা। যে হারে এই অপরাধ বাড়ছে, তাতে দুঃখজনকভাবে আমাদের আশেপাশেই যে কেউ ধর্ষণের শিকার হতে পারেন। এমন ভয়াবহ ঘটনার পর আমরা মানসিক বিপর্যয় থেকে অনেক ভুল করতে পারি। ধর্ষিত ব্যক্তিকে সাহায্য করা, …
[Last updated on 19 March 2020] Some random trivial language issues in Bengali and English in local and international context, I keep adding to this post whenever I come across new words and phrases that may have completely different meaning in various local contexts 🙂 Spicy (global)Please do not use the words “spicy” and “hot” …
When the teachers may have separated you from your friends and made you sit far apart, you have to find a way to still communicate urgent matters to your friends during the class! A technic of communication that has to be subtle, discrete, and ideally without sending or receiving any physical object. Yeah, passing a …
[I sketched that stupid thing. It is ok to steal, just mention where you stole it from] Email is an archaic technology that has not been improved much ever since the protocols were created back in the early days of the Internet. Email is among the most frequently used least secured mode of digital communications …
Art—generated from data, Aaron Koblin/TED Art is now taking new turns. In the metamorphosis of art, new characters and catalysts are emerging into the play where the individual medium and artists are gradually becoming insignificant than before. Like artificial intelligence in technology, art itself is turning into an independent catalyst of this transformation, and is …
[Photo © Abdul Momin] History is a philosophical and political statement or opinion, and it is invariably incomplete. It is never absolute, and will always invoke a range of responses, from outright rejection to enthusiastic support, depending on who the narrator, and who the readers are. We have learned to accept the incompleteness of history …