Dating apps in Dhaka are such nightmares! I recently signed up on Tinder and Bumble, and it’s been a terrible experience so far.
People say their interest is “Netflix” How can someone’s “interest” be Netflix?! Movies, Comedy, SciFi or Drama can be interests, Netflix can’t, it’s a platform, not a genre! I never knew “Shopping” can be an interest either; I thought shopping is a thing you drag yourself on to doing, when you must. Meanwhile, every other person is apparently a Sapiosexual, I am tired of that adjective!
Then there are people who preach religion on Tinder #AllahBachao #HedayetDao #UthaiLao! I thought Tinder is about meeting new people and going out on dates, but half the crowd of women in Dhaka write something like—“Not here for dates, looking for a good friend,” then find one on Facebook or somewhere else! Why are you here?
Then there’s this annoying thing of people without a headshot or a real picture. What am I supposed to do with photos of your cats, phool-lota-pata and sunsets on a dating app?
Ok, I thought swiping upwards would mean passing or skipping a profile, for a profile that I neither want to swipe left or right. I did that. Then I realised swiping up means something called “Super Like” apparently it immediately sends a notification to the person that I “Super liked” them! #GodHelpMe!
Dating apps must include the option of “skipping” someone. It’s very annoying that I must either like or dislike every profile! What if I don’t want to swipe someone left, I just don’t want to decide about them. What if I might like someone, but I can’t swipe right due to conflict of interests or other social/professional/ethical/legal issues—I neither want to swipe left nor right, I just want to skip!
I thought the Covid pandemic is now the obvious opening line. I asked someone what’s their personal Covid protocol, she unmatched me!
Uninstalling this shit.